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Lecturer Discipline`s name Contacts Short description Educational form Work program Study program
  Eugene Dubchak
Electrical machines


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The cycle to which the discipline belongs is the cycle of general studying, basic disciplines ( main normative component of the educational program). The subject of study of the discipline is a system of properties (design, principles of operation, parameters, characteristics, operate modes) of electric machines and transformers, which are the main source and consumer of electricity in the modern energy process. Full-time and part-time forms of study. Training in the form of lectures, laboratory, practical classes, independent work of students, performance of the individual task in the form of the course project on calculation of the power transformer of general technical purpose with oil cooling. Campus NTUU “KPI” Campus NTUU “KPI”
Mykhaylo Kovalenko Brushless regulating electrical machines


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The subject of the discipline "Brushless regulating electrical machines" is a system of properties of brushless regulating electric machines - their design, principle of operation, parameters, characteristics and operation modes. Full-time training, distance learning tools, telegrams, Zoom, e-mail and other tools are used. https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&ir_own   Campus NTUU “KPI”
Installation and operation of electrical machines


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The discipline "Installation and operation of electric machines" is the basis for the educational and professional level bachelor "Electromechanics", which determines the purpose - to lay the foundations for production, technical, design and research activities, which are further developed in the following disciplines: networks ”,“ Electrical part of stations and substations ”,“ Technology of electric machines production ”, etc. Full-time training, distance learning tools, telegrams, Zoom, e-mail and other tools are used. https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=741  Campus NTUU “KPI”
Industrial electromechanical complexes 2 - Powerful complexes


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Discipline "Industrial electromechanical complexes 2 - Powerful complexes" is the formation of students' abilities: - Determining the characteristics and composition of electromechanical equipment of the electromechanical complex; - economically justified choice of equipment for individual systems of electromechanical complexes. Full-time training, distance learning tools, telegrams, Zoom, e-mail and other tools are used. https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=740 

Campus NTUU “KPI”

Electrical low voltage switching devices


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Discipline "Low voltage electric switching devices" refers to a cycle of professionally-oriented disciplines in training at the educational qualification level (EQF) Master of Science and Master of Science 14 Electrical Engineering specialty 141 Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics . Its significance lies in the formation of students' system of abilities and skills in terms of performance, production functions and typical tasks of the specialist. The credit module is closely connected with the course "Electrical Machines", "Design of Electrical Machines", deals with the protection of electrical machines and devices from emergency modes, and provides training for students in electrical engineering and power engineering on the subjects "Physics", "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering", " Electric machines ". Full-time training, distance learning tools, telegrams, Zoom, e-mail and other tools are used. https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=740   Campus NTUU “KPI”
Anna Shumanska Introduction to electromechanics


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The purpose of the discipline "Introduction to Electromechanics" is the formation of students' ability to use the basic laws of electrical engineering and electromechanics in explaining the principles of operation of electromechanical energy converters (EMPE); use intersystem analogies in characterizing electromechanics in the knowledge system; determine the place, role and features of the functioning of certain classes of electromechanical energy converters in the structure of the overall energy system. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1938 https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&ir_own   https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1938
Electrical machines


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The purpose of the discipline "Electric Machines" is the formation of students' ability to use the basic laws of electrical engineering and electromechanics in explaining the principles of operation of electromechanical energy converters (EMPE); obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge of the processes of electromechanical energy conversion in electric machines and transformers, which are the main sources and consumers of electricity in the modern energy process; ability to determine the place, role and features of the functioning of individual classes of electromechanical energy converters in the structure of the overall energy system. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=565 https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&ir_own   https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=565
Vasyl Shynkarenko Modeling of electromechanical systems


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According to the curriculum, the discipline "Modeling of electromechanical systems" aims to learn the system principles of modeling and modern approaches to modeling in the problems of innovative synthesis and structural-system analysis of electromechanical objects and systems based on them, with the possibility of predicting new types of electromechanical systems , as well as the acquisition of skills and abilities to select and apply appropriate models to solve a wide range of innovative problems of modern electromechanics. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2310  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2310 
Special electrical machines


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The purpose of the discipline "Special electric machines" is to learn the principles of structural organization and patterns of evolution of species diversity of electric machines, mastering the principles of scientific taxonomy of progressive diversity of structural and functional classes of electric machines, acquiring practical skills of structural prediction and innovative synthesis of fundamentally new structural for a given target function. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2310   https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2310
Fundamentals of innovative synthesis of electromechanical systems


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According to the curriculum, the discipline "Fundamentals of innovative synthesis of electromechanical systems" aims to obtain theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills and abilities to formulate and solve a wide range of innovative search tasks based on the use of system technology of structural prediction, methodology of directed synthesis use of creative potential and professional intuition of the future specialist. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2309  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2309 
Fundamentals of the theory of electromechanical structures


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The purpose of the discipline "Fundamentals of the theory of electromechanical structures" is to form a system-professional worldview of a young scientist based on knowledge and mastery of fundamental principles of organization and patterns of evolution of structural diversity of EM systems, skills of setting and solving systemic, interdisciplinary and innovative genetic prediction and innovative synthesis of new classes and varieties of electric machines and systems based on them. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2307  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2307 
Basics of the scientific research


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The purpose of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is to provide students with basic knowledge about the principles of organization, methodology and design of research results. This discipline involves acquainting students with the conceptual apparatus of science and scientific terminology, methodological foundations and technology of systems research, requirements for scientific qualifications and the provisions of scientific ethics. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2306  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/enrol/index.php?id=2306 
Yevhen Monakhov Sowtfare packages for  electric machine modeling


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The purpose of the course is to master the necessary basic knowledge of modern systems of mathematical calculation and numerical analysis for design electrical machines and devices. Sikorsky platfrorm, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2463 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2463
Electrical machines


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The purpose of laboratory and practical classes is to consolidate the theoretical provisions of the discipline "Electric Machines" and the acquisition of practical skills

Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram)





Electrical micro machines 


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The purpose of laboratory work is to deepen knowledge of the design, principle of operation and theory of micromachines used in automatic control systems, control and computer science Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram)

https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2641 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2641
Serhii Tsyvinskyi Basics of electrical machines design This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  The discipline "Fundamentals of computer-aided design of electric machines" is compiled in accordance with the educational and professional bachelor's program in "Electric machines and devices" specialty 141 - "Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics". The discipline belongs to the cycle of professional and practical training. The subject of the discipline. Mastering the basics of automated design of electrical machines and transformers. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://ecampus.kpi.ua/  https://www.sikorsky-distance.org/ 
Application packages for the design of electrical machines  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) https://ecampus.kpi.ua/   https://www.sikorsky-distance.org/ 
Yurii Vaskovskyi Electrical machines  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Basic theoretical course of the electrical machines Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram) Навчальні програми дисциплін, робочі навчальні програми кредитних модулів і РСО викладені у відповідних курсах MooDle  Навчальні матеріали розміщені в платформі Сікорський (MooDle) в курсах Електричні машини 1, Електричні машини 2 
Mathematical simulation of electromechanical energy converters This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Study of modern methods and means of mathematical modeling of physical processes in electromechanical energy converters of different types and purposes. Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram)

Навчальні програми дисциплін,

робочі навчальні програми кредитних модулів і

РСО викладені у відповідних курсах MooDle

Навчальні матеріали розміщені в платформі Сікорський (MooDle) в курсах Математичне моделювання електромеханічних перетворювачів енергії
Technical electrodynamics This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Study and practical application of methods of electromagnetic field theory to determine the parameters and characteristics of electric machines Full-time, part-time, remote (Zoom, Viber, Telegram)

Навчальні програми дисциплін,

робочі навчальні програми кредитних модулів і

РСО викладені у відповідних курсах MooDle

Viktoriia Kotliarova Electric machines  050-995-20-28 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The purpose of the discipline (distance course) "Electric machines" is the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of electric machines and transformers, their electrical and mechanical properties, energy and thermal processes that take place in their work. Daily, remote (using the system "Electronic Campus", platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle), Zoom, Viber, Telegram, e-mail, tel.): Laboratory work, practical classes, course project. In the "Electronic Campus" system: https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&show&irid=193340
On the Sikorsky platform (Moodle): https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=860

In the "Electronic Campus" system:

On the "Sikorsky" platform (Moodle):

Introduction to electromechanics 050-995-20-28 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The purpose of the discipline (distance course) "Introduction to Electromechanics" is the formation of students' ability to use the basic laws of electrical engineering and electromechanics in explaining the principles of operation of electromechanical energy converters (EMPE); use intersystem analogies when characterizing electromechanics in the knowledge system; determine the place, role and features of the functioning of certain classes of electromechanical energy converters in the structure of the overall energy system. Daily accelerated, remote (using the system "Electronic Campus", platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle), Zoom, Viber, Telegram, e-mail, tel.): Lectures, practical classes.

In the "Electronic Campus" system: https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&sd=10139&cm=27328&rcms=&own=1&ssm=cm&tree_list=

On the Sikorsky platform (Moodle):

In the system "Electronic campus": https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&sd=10139&cm=27328&rcms=all&ssm=cm&tree_list=

On the platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle):


Modeling of electromechanical systems 050-995-20-28 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The purpose of the discipline (distance course) "Modeling of electromechanical systems" is to learn the system principles of modeling and modern approaches to modeling in the problems of innovative synthesis and structural-system analysis of electromechanical objects and systems based on them, with the possibility of predicting new types of electromechanical systems, as well as the acquisition of skills and abilities to select and apply appropriate models to solve a wide range of innovative problems of modern electromechanics. Daily accelerated, remote (using the system "Electronic Campus", platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle), Zoom, Viber, Telegram, e-mail, tel.): Lectures, practical classes.

In the system "Electronic campus":

On the platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle):

In the system "Electronic campus": https://campus.kpi.ua/tutor/index.php?mode=mob&sd=10139&cm=22884&rcms=all&ssm=cm&tree_list=

On the platform "Sikorsky" (Moodle):

Vadim Chumak Electric machines of automation systems This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Day, remote (Zoom, Sikorsky platform, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2640  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2640 
Yuriy Gaidenko Powerful electromechanical complexes - 1. Traction electric machines


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The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' abilities: to choose powerful electromechanical complexes (TEMC), in particular: traction electric machines (TEM) and transformers for specific conditions of their operation; analyze physical phenomena and processes in TEM and transformers; perform standard calculations of parameters, characteristics and modes of operation of TEM and transformers; develop and apply methods and basic rules of their operation.

Day, remote (Zoom, Sikorsky platform, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=209 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=209
Alexander Galinovsky Fundamentals of electromechanics 0683579026 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Methodology of construction and calculation of electro-machine-n converters of dual-power machines in contact and contactless variants Classroom and distance learning technologies using Micro-Cap and Mathcad programs Work programs and RSOs are housed in the KPI Campus Training materials are placed in the "Campus" KPI
Alexandr Geraskin Reliability of electric machines. P. 1 "Vibrations and noises of electric machines " This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  The value of the credit module "Vibrations and noises of electric machines" in the training of specialists of the educational program of master's degree in "educational and scientific", "Electric machines and devices"; "educational and professional", "Electric machines and devices" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering", specialty 141 - "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" is the formation of students system of abilities and skills in performing duties, production functions and typical tasks of the specialist. As a result of studying the credit module, students receive knowledge on the causes of vibration in electric machines, the principles of modern methods of monitoring the technical condition of electric machines and means of its determination. Moodle, Telegram, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3146 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3146
Power transformers; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  The value of the credit module "Power Transformers" in the training of specialists of the educational qualification level (OCD) "Bachelor" in specialty 141 – "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" within the framework of the educational program of bachelor's training "Electric stations" consists in the formation of students a system of abilities and abilities to perform duties, production functions and typical tasks of a specialist. As a result of studying the credit module, students receive knowledge of the design, principle of operation, the essence of physical phenomena and processes in electric machines, typical mathematical methods for calculating and studying electric machines, their main characteristics. Moodle, Telegram, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3142 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3142
Electric Machines This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The value of the credit module "Electric machines" in the training of specialists of the educational qualification level (OCD) "bachelor" in specialty 131 – "Applied mechanics" within the framework of the educational program of bachelor's training "Automated technological systems in welding" consists in the formation of students' system of abilities and abilities to perform duties, production functions and typical tasks of a specialist. As a result of studying the credit module, students receive knowledge of the design, principle of operation, the essence of physical phenomena and processes in electric machines, typical mathematical methods for calculating and studying electric machines, their main characteristics Moodle, Telegram, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2601 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=2601
Methods and means of automated design of electric machines This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The value of the credit module "Methods and means of automated design of electric machines" in the training of specialists of the educational program of master's degree in "educational and scientific", "Electric machines and devices"; "educational and professional", "Electric machines and devices" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering", specialty 141 - "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" is the formation of students system of abilities and skills in performing duties, production functions and typical tasks of the specialist. As a result of studying the credit module, students receive knowledge of modern methods of automated design of electric machines. Moodle, Telegram, Zoom  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3143 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3143
Mathematical methods of optimization This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The value of the credit module "Mathematical methods of optimization" in the training of specialists in accordance with the educational program of master's training "educational and scientific", "Electric machines and devices" in the field of knowledge 14 "Electrical engineering", specialty 141 - "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" consists in the formation of students system of abilities and skills in performing duties, production functions and typical tasks As a result of studying the credit module, students gain knowledge of modern mathematical optimization methods used in the automated design of electric machines. Moodle, Telegram, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3145 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3145
Mathematical modeling of electromechanical energy converters This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The value of the credit module "Mathematical modeling of electromechanical energy converters" in the training of specialists of the educational qualification level (OCD) "Bachelor" in specialty 141 – "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" within the framework of the educational program of bachelor's training "Electric machines and devices" consists in the formation of students system of abilities and skills in performing duties, production functions and typical tasks of the specialist. As a result of studying the credit module, students form a system of abilities and abilities for the use of methods and methods of mathematical modeling of parameters, characteristics and modes of operation of electric machines (EM) of various types during their design, calculations and scientific research. Moodle, Telegram, Zoom https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3144 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3144
Mykola Reutsky Electric machines part 1 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1280  https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1280 
Technology of production of electric machines This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3161 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3161
Electric machines part 2 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3160 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3160
Reliability of electric machines This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3109 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3109
Electric machines This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3162 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=3162
Power transformers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Full-time, distance (Zoom, platform Sikorski, Viber, Telegram) https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1279 https://do.ipo.kpi.ua/course/view.php?id=1279