Студентські організації

Interclub is a students’ organization that deals with international students studying in NTUU "KPI" organization of their leisure time to integrate foreign students enrolled at the university, cultural and educational community youth NTUU"KPI", to create a "homogeneous society "in leisure activities for all students of the University, regardless of education and citizenship.

Address: 03056, m. Kyiv, vul. Metallistov 7a, building number 31, com. 2-09
Тел.: (+38 044) 453-36-58

 Scientific community of students and graduate students of NTUU "KPI"
 Trade union organization of students NTUU"KPI"

 Students’ organization BEST Kyiv

BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is an international organization of students of technical universities in Europe, which gives you a unique opportunity to acquire new knowledge and to communicate with students from over 30ty countries from Europe!

 Student Council NTUU "KPI" is the main body of the student government at the largest university of the country. The main objective is to create a student council KPI projects for active participation of all students in the daily life of the university and its improvement and change. Our work is done by students for students, allowing us to better and more effectively organize events that promote the educational, cultural, educational, research and creative activity, employment of students and many other things.

Центр розвитку кар'єри НТУУ "КПІ"

Медіа ресурси студентів НТУУ "КПІ"

Radio KPI: student radio station
 TV KPI: video and videos of events and activities "KPI"
 Newspapers KPI: a collection of the student and the official press "KPI"
 KPI Relax: health, leisure, nutrition and sport in "KPI"
 Website "Stop Drugs"


 Partnership Forum, a special event where "NTUU KPI" represents graduates