Scientific & pedagogical school

      The history of the creation and formation of a scientific and pedagogical school is an integral part of the almost 100-year history of the Electromechanics Department and the Electric Power Engineering and Automation Faculty of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". The historical process of formation and development of an electromechanical scientific school has three interrelated periods.
      Period of formation (1920 - 1950). The genetic core of the future electromechanical scientific and pedagogical school was the discovery in 1920 in the newly created electrical engineering faculty, the department of electromechanics, which became the first department of the electromechanical profile in Ukraine. The period of formation and growing of the training laboratory base and staffing of the department is directly related to the activity of the Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, Professor O. O. Skomorokhov, who was the first head of the department and one of the first deans of the electrical engineering faculty.gen der 200 eng
      The first period (1950 -1971). The appearance and development of the Kiev scientific and pedagogical school of electromechanics are directly related to the name and activities of the prominent scientist in the field of electromechanics and electrical engineering, the head of the KPI electric machines department (1950 -1971), Corresponding Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Honored Scientist and Technician of the Ukrainian SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology, prize winner of the KPI, doctor of technical sciences, professor I. M. Postnikov.
       Under the guidance of I. M. Postnikov were trained 10 doctors and 70 candidates of technical sciences. His students and followers worked with him, who later became prominent scholars, founders of their own scientific schools and directions.
       The most significant achievements of Kyiv scientific and pedagogical electromechanics of the first period include the following:
• development of a generalized theory of transients in powerful electric machines (I. M. Postnikov's monography "Generalized theory and transitional processes of electric machines" was marked by the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology);
• development of the basics of designing electric machines. The book with the same name repeatedly reprinted and translated into five foreign languages;
• development of theoretical foundations of technical and economic optimization of constructions of electric machines, which has found a generalization in the monography and study editions;
• creation of powerful new type generators with improved performance. As a result of close cooperation of scientists and specialists in electrical engineering factories, the first in the world asynchronous turbogenerator (ASTG-200) was created for Burshtynskaya hydro electrical plant;
• development of the theory of magnetic vibrations and noise of electric machines, application of numerical field methods for calculating electromagnetic fields and vibrations of electric machines.
      Modern period. Since 1999 the scientific school of the electromechanics department is headed by the graduate of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor V. F. Shynkarenko, who has many years of experience in implementing of scientific and innovative projects. During the period of work in the Special construction bureau of linear engines, under his scientific guidance, the development, production and testing of the first domestic traction linear electric motors with the capacity of 120, 360, 420, 600, 800 and 1200 kWt for the advanced types of passenger electric vehicles, which have passed successful tests on the test site of the  Special construction bureau of linear asynchronous engines on field samples of rail, overpass and non-contact electric transport on a magnetic suspension. Electric drives for specialized industrial and technological electric vehicles, series of switching devices for metro electrical supply systems, electromechanical devices for implementation and intensification of technological processes, etc., were created and introduced in various branches of industry.
       The new and actual scientific direction of the school, which was first initiated and actively developed in recent decades, is the development and practical implementation of the provisions of the theory of genetic evolution of electromechanical systems. Its basis was the discovery of the genetic classification of primary sources of magnetic field, which is an inter-system analogue of the periodic system of chemical elements.
Modern issues of fundamental research of the creative team of the scientific school, curriculum of disciplines, master's degree programs and philosophy doctors cover the following scientific and technical areas: "Structural prediction and creation of genetic innovation banks"; "Innovative synthesis of hybrid electromechanical objects and systems"; "Mathematical modeling of powerful electric machines based on the use of field methods"; "Genetic systematics of electromechanical energy converters"; "Interdisciplinary synthesis of complex technical systems"; "Innovative Learning Technologies in University Education".
        It is for these directions in the Igor Sikorsky KPI initiated the development and practical use of genetic innovation banks for the first time and created the world's first technical objects, synthesized by the deciphering of their genetic programs.
       The results of their own fundamental research and applied developments are widely used in the subject of scientific research of young scientists, postgraduates, masters and students of the department, in the development and implementation of new disciplines, in the development of information and methodological support for the introduction of new specialties and specializations, in curriculum plans and programs of educational disciplines. According to the results of fundamental research, the educational process was developed and introduced: the technology of structural prediction of new varieties of electric machines and electromechanical devices; the methodology of innovative synthesis of objects of electromechanics on the results of decoding their genetic programs; the basis of the scientific taxonomy of electromechanical energy converters; the methodology of interdisciplinary synthesis of hybrid and complex technical systems with electromechanical energy converters (in conjunction with the chair of designing machine tools MMI); Interuniversity Laboratory of Innovative Learning Technologies was created.
       Since 2000 the scientific seminar "Structural and system research in electromechanics" functioning at the department, which coordination is carried out by the Scientific Council on the problem "Scientific bases of electric power engineering" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Applied research of the creative team is aimed at the development of new varieties of electric machines with permanent magnets, the creation of highly effective electromechanical equipment for the implementation of nanotechnologies, diagnostics of electric machines and electromechanical devices, updating the equipment of the departament.
       Among the important directions of the activity of the scientific and pedagogical school is solving the problems of the theory and practice of modern high-performance electromechanical energy converters:
• Development and research of powerful frequency-controlled asynchronous traction electric motors.
• Development of scientific bases, methods and means of diagnostics of electric machines of different type, design and purpose.
• Development of new methods and mathematical models for modeling of multiphysical fields and processes in electromechanical energy converters.
• Development, research and introduction of new types of electric machines with permanent magnets.
• Development of modern automated bench equipment for conducting experimental and certification studies of various types of electric machines and electromechanical devices.
• Development of methods for determining the level of reliability and residual life of electromechanical equipment.
      According to the results of scientific research and innovative developments, modern bench equipment, a number of new disciplines of innovation oriented direction, programs for preparing masters and philosophers of doctors that provide a combination of educational process with research and innovation work of students are created and introduced into the educational process.
       Only in the last 5 years of the activity of the scientific and pedagogical school: 5 monographs and textbooks have been published, 4 theses have been prepared and defended, 38 scientific articles have been published in the leading Ukrainian and foreign publications, including 12 publications with the international impact factor, 32 patents were received on useful models and inventions (including 26 - with the participation of students), 16 students of the specialty became winners of All-Ukrainian Olympiads, branch and academic competitions.

Prominent scientists - representatives of the scientific and pedagogical school:
- Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, prof. Skomorokhov O. O.;
  - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the UkrSSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Postnikov I. M.;
- Professor Novikov A.V.;
- Professor Krasnikov V. M.;
- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shumilov Yu. A.;
- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vakulenko K. M.;
- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shynkarenko V. F.;
- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vaskovsky Yu. M.